
Based in: United States
Homepage: https://jagerderek.wixsite.com/jage[...]
Balance: 8.172.926.869v$
Reputation: 120 of 120
Pilot salary: 5% of VA-income
Capt. Jager: 10% of VA-income
Check Pilot: 10% of VA-income
Chief Pilot: 10% of VA-income
El Capitan: 10% of VA-income
Flying Dutchman: 10% of VA-income
Lord of the Rings: 10% of VA-income
Ray Smiley: 10% of VA-income
Royal Canadian Mighty Pilot: 10% of VA-income
Pilot: 5% of VA-income
Airline statusActive

Airline Mission

We're your wings everyday! Join the Jagerair Legacy Virtual team. Explore our destinations in the Northeast, Midwest, Northwest and the Carribean! Our Carribean routes are growing, and our Northeast routes are as well. We have Cape Air routes in the northeast and Carribean. The northwest routes are serviced by Kenmore Air, and continental U.S. routing is available through partnership with Piedmont Airlines and Eastern airlines. European routes are opening up with KLM and EU Charter. Let me know if there is a route you want to open and we'll see about getting it up and running. Hope to see you help grow Jagerair Virtual Airlines!

Flight Activity

Last 5 flights

From To Arrival PAX A/C Dist. PIC Rating Income
TNCMKATLMar 06, 09:05225B7631480nmAuto Von Villeneuve-d'Ascq100%1.946.180v$
PHMUPHLIMar 06, 07:158C208238nmAuto Von Ladner100%39.560v$
WIIIWSSSMar 06, 07:00698A388478nmAuto Von Minato100%1.588.340v$
KRYNKBIHMar 06, 06:552FA50474nmAuto Von Des Moines100%1.450v$
KRDUKATLMar 06, 06:45152B738309nmAuto Von East Point100%443.360v$


Pilot ID Name VA Rank Location Last Active
JAG101Derek JPresidoDaytona Beach IntlMar 06, 03:45
JAG102Jan WDutchRoberts IntlMar 06, 05:17
JAG103William FHaloAlbuquerque Intl SunportMar 05, 13:16
JAG104Carol VChiefMaurice Bishop IntlMar 05, 17:56
JAG106Pablo QEl CapitanLic Gustavo Diaz Ordaz IntlMar 02, 22:27
JAG107Len LRCMPRapid City ReglFeb 24, 00:14
JAG108John FSmileyDallas-Ft Worth IntlMar 06, 01:38
JAG201Auto Von ROttoRaleigh-Durham IntlMar 06, 00:01
JAG202Auto Von HOttoHartsfield - Jackson Atlanta IMar 06, 00:01
JAG203Auto Von LOttoLihueMar 06, 07:15
JAG204Auto Von OOttoHong Kong IntlMar 06, 00:01
JAG205Auto Von VOttoHartsfield - Jackson Atlanta IMar 06, 09:05
JAG206Auto Von DOttoBishopMar 06, 06:55
JAG207Auto Von SOttoSwansonMar 06, 06:45
JAG208Auto Von HOttoPrincess Juliana IntlMar 06, 00:01
JAG209Auto Von EOttoHartsfield - Jackson Atlanta IMar 06, 06:45
JAG210Auto Von MOttoChangiMar 06, 07:00

