Sky Services Alaska

Based in: United States
Balance: 3.847.230.410v$
Reputation: 120 of 120
Pilot salary: 25% of VA-income
Bush Pilot: 25% of VA-income
Pilot: 20% of VA-income
Trainee: 15% of VA-income
Airline statusActive

Airline Mission

Welcome to Sky-Service-Alaska, the ultimate VA for bush flying!

Our headquarters is the Petersburg James A. Johnson Airport (PAPG) in Alaska.
We enjoy bush flying, but we also offer commercial, civil aviation with suitable aircraft.

From Petersburg (PAPG) and from Ted Stevens Anchorage International Airport (PANC) we serve numerous destinations in Alaska with our GA fleet.
We have established additional GA HUBs in Port Hardy (CYZT), BC, Canada and Victoria (CYYJ), BC, Canada.

Bush flying is best done through the charter flight feature.


Willkommen bei Sky-Service-Alaska, der ultimativen VA zum Buschfliegen!

Unser Hauptsitz ist der Petersburg James A. Johnson Airport (PAPG) in Alaska.
Wir haben Freude an der Buschfliegerei, aber auch die kommerzielle, zivile Luftfahrt mit passendem Fluggerät ist bei uns im Angebot.

Ab Petersburg (PAPG) und vom Ted Stevens Anchorage International Airport (PANC) bedienen wir mit unserer GA-Flotte zahlreiche Destinationen in Alaska.
Weitere GA-HUBs haben wir in Port Hardy (CYZT), BC, Kanada und Victoria (CYYJ), BC, Kanada eingerichtet.

Das Buschfliegen wird am Besten über die Charterflug-Funktion durchgeführt.

Flight Activity

Last 5 flights

From To Arrival PAX A/C Dist. PIC Rating Income
PAMCPATLMar 05, 17:353C20611nmMike (Bushpilot)100%16.250v$
TCTPAMCMar 03, 19:163C20612nmMike (Bushpilot)100%16.575v$
PAMCTCTMar 03, 18:463C20612nmMike (Bushpilot)100%16.200v$
A77PAMCMar 02, 19:173C20621nmMike (Bushpilot)100%17.250v$
PAMCA77Mar 02, 16:343C20621nmMike (Bushpilot)100%16.625v$


Pilot ID Name VA Rank Location Last Active
ASS100Mike (OwnerTatalina LRRSMar 05, 18:40
ASS102Sten HBush PilotGustavusDec 10, 17:05

