Blueair Caribe

This airline is inactive, because there is no pilot with a Premium Membership!

Based in: Puerto Rico
Homepage: TJSJ
Balance: 1.833.489.201v$
Reputation: 120 of 120
Pilot salary: 16% of VA-income
Airline statusInactive
Status reasonYou need at least one Premium member in your airline!

Flight Activity

Last 5 flights

From To Arrival PAX A/C Dist. PIC Rating Income
TJSJSKSMDec 29, 21:45161A20N650nmAlejandro Mazo90%5.127.600v$
MUHATJSJNov 25, 08:558C750961nmAlejandro Mazo100%1.320.750v$
SKSMMUHANov 13, 22:498C750854nmAlejandro Mazo100%2.306.925v$
MMUNSKSMNov 05, 14:493C750942nmAlejandro Mazo95%-356.625v$
KMIATJSJNov 02, 06:26161A20N909nmAlejandro Mazo100%9.428.175v$


Pilot ID Name VA Rank Location Last Active
BRC101Eliezer CCEOLa Aurora IntlJan 29, 19:49
BRC104Alejandro MFlight DirSimon Bolivar IntlJan 04, 01:33
BRC107luis sCEOJose Maria CordovaNov 15, 17:05
BRC145eduard mFlight DirKingDec 02, 17:05
BRC761Wesling SFlight DirLuis Munoz Marin IntlDec 31, 17:00


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