Sky United

Based in: Germany
Balance: 4.095.805.979v$
Reputation: 120 of 120
Pilot salary: 18% of VA-income
Chief Operating Officer: 25% of VA-income
Admin/Social Media: 20% of VA-income
Chief of General Aviation: 20% of VA-income
Fleet Manager: 20% of VA-income
Hubmanager Chicago: 20% of VA-income
Hubmanager Singapure: 20% of VA-income
Hubmanager Sofia: 20% of VA-income
Route Manager: 20% of VA-income
Captain: 18% of VA-income
First Flight Officer: 18% of VA-income
Flight Captain: 18% of VA-income
Second Flight Officer: 18% of VA-income
Senior Captain: 18% of VA-income
Senior Flight Captain: 18% of VA-income
Chief Executive Officer: 5% of VA-income
Airline statusActive

Airline Mission

Welcome to SKYUNITED!

We are one of the largest Airlines in FS Arlines!

Are you ready to start a pilot career in one of the best simulated airline environments?

Feel the atmosphere of beeing pilot in a real airline. Enjoy flying modern jetliner of our rich fleet from one of the major hubs located in Frankfurt, Sofia, Chicago or Singapore.

Now we are opened our first Cargo Hub in Leipzig/Halle (EDDP). Join us and fly our new Cargo Aircrafts.

All pilots, no matter of their experience, are welcome to join SKYUNITED.

Join now our new discord Channel

If you are a starting pilot, please move to one of the following airports/hubs and book your first flight:

EDDF / Frankfurt, Germany
KORD / Chicago, USA
LBSF / Sofia, Bulgaria
WSSS / Singapore, Singapore

To move to one of the airports, go to your profile and use "Buy Ticket" option and then type the airport ICAO code

Discuss on our Facebook Group Page -
Facebook Fan Page -

Please everyone update your Flight Tracker with the latest version -

Flight Activity

Last 5 flights

From To Arrival PAX A/C Dist. PIC Rating Income
KDENKLAXMar 04, 21:58297B763749nmGustavo Adolfo Florez Lopez95%1.043.075v$
EDDFVTBSMar 01, 07:11321A3594866nmDankest Osprey100%9.629.275v$
KORDKDENFeb 28, 09:55297B763771nmGustavo Adolfo Florez Lopez95%1.029.225v$
KJFKKORDFeb 28, 04:02297B763642nmGustavo Adolfo Florez Lopez100%1.421.125v$
KDCAKORDFeb 27, 23:16172A320531nmGustavo Adolfo Florez Lopez100%751.125v$


Pilot ID Name VA Rank Location Last Active
SYU011Henning HCEOFrankfurt-MainMar 04, 20:16
SYU012Dankest OCOOFrankfurt-MainMar 02, 20:10
SYU102Jannik MSCArlanda01 Apr 2024
SYU109mohammad nFFOMunich04 Apr 2020
SYU201Kaloyan VHM LBSFInnsbruck27 May 2024
SYU202Gustavo Adolfo FCLos Angeles IntlMar 05, 23:30


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