German Transports & Journeys

Based in: Germany
Balance: 176.155.060v$
Reputation: 120 of 120
Pilot salary: 15% of VA-income
Chief Executive Officer: 25% of VA-income
Airline statusActive

Airline Mission

- Spaß und Freude am Transport von Gütern und Menschen

- Zufriedenheit für alle
- Kunde, Pilot, Kollegen

- die Welt erkunden

- Fun and enjoyment of transporting
goods and humans.

- Satisfaction for all
- Customer, pilot, colleague

- Explore the world

Flight Activity

Last 5 flights

From To Arrival PAX A/C Dist. PIC Rating Income
LEBLEDDBJan 03, 20:340B77L812nmMatthäus Huth100%53.548.800v$
EDDFLEBLJan 01, 23:450B77L591nmMatthäus Huth100%47.625.300v$
EIDWEDDFJan 01, 13:32450B77W587nmMatthäus Huth100%59.907.500v$
KJFKEIDWJan 01, 08:12450B77W2758nmMatthäus Huth100%133.780.000v$
KBFIKJFKDec 31, 23:58450B77W2100nmMatthäus Huth100%71.101.500v$


Pilot ID Name VA Rank Location Last Active
GTJ101Matthäus HCEOBerlin BrandenburgJan 04, 00:28


Star Aviation
A British Virtual Group
Virtual Flight Association
Snow Wolf Germany