Deutsche Flugbereitschaftsvereinigung

This airline is inactive, because there is no pilot with a Premium Membership!

Based in: Germany
Balance: 633.465.306v$
Reputation: 120 of 120
Pilot salary: 2% of VA-income
Student / Associate: 10% of VA-income
Flight Officer: 5% of VA-income
Pilot: 3% of VA-income
Airline statusInactive
Status reasonYou need at least one Premium member in your airline!

Flight Activity

Last 5 flights

From To Arrival PAX A/C Dist. PIC Rating Income
EKCHEGLL11 Feb 2024136A20N529nmOliver Schmidt100%3.981.600v$
EGLLEKCH10 Feb 2024166A20N529nmOliver Schmidt100%4.704.750v$
OJAIEGLL07 Feb 2024344B78X1991nmOliver Schmidt100%28.820.400v$
EGLLOJAI03 Feb 2024352B78X1991nmOliver Schmidt100%25.431.600v$
LFSBEGLL31 Jan 2024168A320389nmOliver Schmidt100%6.668.775v$


Pilot ID Name VA Rank Location Last Active
DFB101Oliver SCPOHeathrowAug 06, 15:05


Star Aviation
A British Virtual Group
Frankfurt International Airways
Westfalen AIr
Globe Cargo Air