American International Airways

Based in: United States
Balance: 112.578.019.090v$
Reputation: 120 of 120
Pilot salary: 12% of VA-income
Chief PIlot (Any series of aircraft): 28% of VA-income
Fleet Chief Pilot Copa Airlines: 28% of VA-income
Senior Chief Pilot Boeing 747-800: 28% of VA-income
CEO - Gulf Air Charter: 25% of VA-income
Executive Chief Pilot Airbus A310: 25% of VA-income
Executive Chief Pilot McDonnell Douglas MD-80: 25% of VA-income
Senior Chief Pilot Concorde: 25% of VA-income
Senior Test Pilot: 25% of VA-income
Executive Captain: 16% of VA-income
Senior Captain: 15% of VA-income
Captain: 14% of VA-income
Junior Captain: 12% of VA-income
First Officer: 10% of VA-income
Chief Executive Officer: 1% of VA-income
Chief Operations Officer: 1% of VA-income
Airline statusActive

Airline Mission

Welcome to American International Airways. We offer passenger and cargo flights and Charter flights. Fly from small single props up to the big heavies like Antonov, B748 and the A388, from the early 1950 to the present time. Please visit our fleets section and take a look at the airlines and aircrafts that we have.

Charter Only Airlines
***No assigned routes available, the pilot makes their own routes through the charter feature***

1. American International Charter

2. American International On Demand Charter Cargo

3. American International Charter Cargo

4. American International Private Charter

5. American International Super Sonic transport

American Airlines? fly with us here
Delta Air Lines ? we have it
Southwest Airlines (and classic)..we fly it
BOAC ?..explore the past with us
AmeriJet..Have fun !
--- and many more airlines available for your pleasure

Pilot Jose Camara with the largest 767-300F earnings ever for the airline at $30.183.925
Pilot Enzo Veyron with the most longest distance of 10778nm in the 777-200LR-3 on a Charter-Flight

Ranking system:
0-200 First officer
201-400 Junior Captain
401-600 Captain
601-900 Senior Captain
901-1,400 Executive Captain
1,401-1,800 Chief pilot (Aircraft type)
1,801-2,200 Senior Chief Pilot (Aircraft type)
2,201-3,500 Executive Chief Pilot (Aircraft type)
3,501-5,500 Fleet Chief Pilot (Airline)
5,501-7,500 Executive Chief Pilot (Airline)

We have accomplished many first flights for the FSAirlines community.

1. Beech 99C 2/21/2018
2. Boeing 757-200 Combi 4/19/2018
3. Bombardier CRJ-200SF 10/29/2017
4. Dassault Falcon 20C 3/27/2017
5. Douglas DC8-61F 12/9/2016
6. Douglas DC9-15RC 1/1/2018
7. Convair 440F 5/13/2018
8. Lear 35C 8/13/2018
9. DHC-8Q-100F 5/25/2018
10. B737-800BCF 5/25/2018
11. Douglas DC8-62 Combi 12/3/2018
12. Boeing 747-300SF 10/20/2019
13. Bristol 170 MK32 Freighter 07/09/2021

Join & start flying today!

Flight Activity

Last 5 flights

From To Arrival PAX A/C Dist. PIC Rating Income
KMIATNCAMar 06, 05:540B763988nmDavid Black100%1.310.950v$
KLALKMIAMar 06, 04:510B763161nmDavid Black100%221.050v$
KSBDKPDXMar 06, 00:590A333733nmAndrew H100%3.520.900v$
KPHXKLALMar 05, 17:570B7631578nmDavid Black100%1.231.125v$
ELLXKMIAMar 05, 10:580B7444115nmAndrew H100%20.950.175v$


Pilot ID Name VA Rank Location Last Active
CKS101Andrew HCEOPortland IntlMar 06, 01:00
CKS103Robert NCOOHeathrowMar 05, 14:58
CKS107Rich DSCP A380Atlantic City IntlJan 08, 18:52
CKS114Pierre DFOLos Angeles Intl18 Aug 2023
CKS117Enzo VSCPCBozeman Yellowstone IntlFeb 26, 14:44
CKS147Jose CSenior CapSchipholNov 17, 17:05
CKS153Adam BSTPKennedy Intl04 Aug 2024
CKS164Teogenes MCaptainCayenne Felix EboueFeb 19, 01:23
CKS169Lance BFODallas LoveJan 31, 14:44
CKS172Joao ASCPB748Mactan-Cebu IntlMar 06, 00:16
CKS189Quentin UFOTyler Pounds Regl23 Nov 2022
CKS190Gerard KFOMenominee ReglMar 03, 04:11
CKS194David BECReina Beatrix IntlMar 06, 05:57
CKS198Blake MJunior CapRochester IntlJan 04, 17:05
CKS199Heiker RFCP CopaSchipholMar 05, 02:38
CKS201Diego ASenior CapDubai IntlMar 03, 20:38
CKS204juan RJunior CapFt Lauderdale-Hollywood IntlMar 04, 03:40
CKS205Gregory DFOLeipzig-HalleFeb 26, 21:49
CKS209Eduard RFOJorge Chavez Intl29 Oct 2024
CKS212Chris DFOHartsfield - Jackson Atlanta I04 Aug 2024
CKS224Andrew SECP A310Denver IntlMar 03, 13:52
CKS228Devon NFOOrlando Intl21 May 2024
CKS233Hamilton VCaptainReina Beatrix IntlNov 14, 17:05
CKS240kerem cFOEleftherios Venizelos IntlMar 04, 19:33
CKS242Hawk PFOFt Lauderdale-Hollywood IntlJan 12, 07:44
CKS244Daniel TFOLos Angeles Intl30 Jul 2024
CKS245Max WFOIstanbulMar 05, 17:35
CKS254Larry SFOAlbany IntlMar 03, 17:47
CKS256Carlos LFORonald Reagan Washington NatlJan 13, 21:56
CKS261Benjamin WFOSchipholMar 04, 18:14
CKS263katie bFOFt Wayne IntlDec 18, 17:05
CKS264José QFOLos Angeles IntlMar 03, 04:01
CKS265Gustavo MFOPhoenix Sky Harbor IntlFeb 14, 13:21
CKS267Jason BECP MD-80Reno-Tahoe IntlFeb 07, 00:56
CKS268Duniesky CFOFt Lauderdale-Hollywood IntlFeb 12, 23:44
CKS269Ryan HFOGeorge Bush Intercontinental-HFeb 20, 22:58
CKS270Mark BFOEdmonton IntlFeb 25, 22:50
CKS271Jim DFOOrlyMar 02, 16:05


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