Hungarian Air Services

Based in: Hungary
Balance: 1.172.374.243v$
Reputation: 100 of 120
Pilot salary: 1% of VA-income
Pilot: 2% of VA-income
Student Pilot: 0% of VA-income
Airline statusActive

Airline Mission

Our primary goal is to simulate aviation and corporate governance in a small company format.

Elsődleges célunk a repülés és a vállalatirányítás, kis társasági formában történő szimulációja.

Flight Activity

Last 5 flights

From To Arrival PAX A/C Dist. PIC Rating Income
EGLLKJFKFeb 28, 13:50361A3332994nmAuto Von Great Sankey100%2.866.770v$
EGLLLHBPFeb 28, 12:55292A333805nmAuto Von Szentendre100%972.120v$
HECAFAORFeb 28, 07:10361A3333386nmAuto Von Toukh100%3.639.450v$
KJFKKSEAFeb 28, 04:15361A3332101nmAuto Von Elmhurst100%2.666.550v$
EDDMCYULFeb 27, 14:500B7483325nmAuto Von Ruda nad Moravou100%10.607.410v$


Pilot ID Name VA Rank Location Last Active
HUX101Laszlo BCEOHeathrowFeb 28, 15:52
HUX201Auto Von SPilotLiszt Ferenc IntlFeb 28, 12:55
HUX202Auto Von NPilotHeathrowFeb 28, 05:53
HUX203Auto Von GPilotKennedy IntlFeb 28, 13:50
HUX204Auto Von TPilotO.R. Tambo IntlFeb 28, 07:10
HUX205Auto Von GPilotBouakeFeb 26, 22:15
HUX206Auto Von CPilotKennedy IntlFeb 27, 02:10
HUX207Auto Von EPilotSeattle-Tacoma IntlFeb 28, 04:15
HUX208Auto Von RPilotCairo IntlFeb 27, 14:50
HUX209Auto Von SPilotIndira Gandhi IntlFeb 28, 13:17


Heron Airways
Turkish North West
MALÉV Hungarian Airlines
American International Airways
Virgin XL Airways